Monday Drop-In
4 – 6.30pm

The Monday Drop-In at St Barnabas Church began in 2006 and some 30 to 40 people attend each week.
The Drop-In is supported by volunteers who ensure that there are always refreshments and homemade meals available. The atmosphere is informal and welcoming and it is a good place to meet others. Drop-In members decide the programme of activities and have a strong sense of belonging and ownership.

Everyone is welcome, especially those isolated by mental health difficulties.

Recent activities have included music evenings, dancing, craft, talks about wellbeing and outings on the river and to London for Christmas shopping and attractions. Members of the drop-in are also supported to access other services and resources as required.


At St Barnabas’ Church, Temple Road, Epsom KT19 8HA.

4.00pm  Welcome, refreshments, sharing our joys and sorrows if we would like.

4.45pm  Activity chosen by the drop in

5.30pm  Home cooked meal.

6.30pm  Evening closes.

Everyone is very welcome to come to any part or all of a meeting.
Cost: £3 per evening to include all refreshments and activity. There are also occasional trips out.

The group has chosen to make the drop in an alcohol and non-medication drug free zone, and to seek to treat everyone with respect and acceptance.  WELCOME.

PROGRAMME for upcoming events are to be confirmed